• Häner, Tobias (2024)
    Taking up a recent trend in studies on the book of Job, the study is centered on irony and ambiguity in the text to show that both rhetorical features appear throughout the book and point to the finiteness of human cognitive ...
  • (2024)
    This volume takes the Kant anniversary year 2024 as an opportunity to give space to the many-voiced echoes of Kant's philosophy by renowned authors of the 20th century (Theodor W. Adorno, Hannah Arendt, Gilles Deleuze, ...
  • Forment, Bruno (2024)
    The challenges and limits for musicians dealing with texts. To perform a musical score implies the transformation of a symbolically coded text into vibrant sound. In Performing by the Book? a carefully selected cadre of ...
  • Collins, Rob; O’Donnell, Kathleen; Kille, Ian (2024)
    What is Hadrian's Wall made of, where did this material come from and how has it been reused in other buildings in the communities that emerged in the centuries after the Roman Empire? By studying the fabric of Hadrian's ...
  • Hübner, Roberto; von Brand, Tilman; Koch, Katja (2024)
    Der vierte Band der Reihe „Beiträge zur Geschichte der Pädagogik in der DDR" geht der Frage nach, inwieweit die Pädagogischen Lesungen ein Format darstellten, um qualit&# ...

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